Sunday, October 14, 2012

50 Shades of Red Hot Love

50 Shades of grey seemed (at the time) intriguing, but not necessarily over the top attention holding. Anyhow, grey really isn't a colour - right? So I say - lets show them what real excitement is through colour.

We have created a series of workshops that embrace colour to tell the story. The series will utilize the same model to help maintain a common thematic feel through the story. You can chose to attend all 3 sessions of just one. Either way - its a great way to embrace tone on tone creatively.

1st session: October 14, 11 am - 2 pm
50 Shades of Red Hot Love

Model: Model: Marii Apelo rel="nofollow">
MAUH: Eliza Tam
Photo & Styling: Toni Wallachy, Orangeroads Photography

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